Friday, June 14, 2019

If I were a Superhero, my talent would be NEVER SLEEPING.

IronMan is a bad ass with a badass suit. Wonderwoman has mad skills and a bomb lasso. Spiderman can climb walls and shoot webs. Superman is super strong and can fly.

Me? I never sleep.

My husband's day goes something like this:
5:30 am-first alarm goes off. Hits the snooze and rolls over.
5:45 am-second alarm goes off. Hits the snooze and rolls over.
6:00 am-third alarm goes off. Hits the snooze and rolls over.
6:02 am-gets tired of listening to wife bitch, so gets of bed and gets dressed. Changes the 2 year old's diaper and puts her back in bed and h1eads to work by 6:30 am.
Works 10 hours. Enjoys 2 breaks (5 min each) and a 30 minute lunch.
5:30 pm- gets off work. Comes homener
12:05am-gets up, takes a shower and goes to bed.

My day? Timing will take ALL DAY, so we're just gonna run dow
n. Wake up at 5:30am because of husband's alarm waking the baby. Get up, make bottles, change the litle one's diaper, lay back down. The kids get up at 7, and I fix them breakfast. I break up 15 fights. I watch 18 episodes of Doc Mcstuffins. I make 7 bottles. I fill sippy cups 10 times. Then I make lunch. I do about 4 loads of laundry a day. I load the dishwasher and unload it. Hang up clothes, fold clothes. Make 7 more bottles, fill up sippy cups, defuse 13 additional fights, we watch 10 episdoes of Paw Patrol. Then I make supper. Then I clean up from supper. I get all 3 kids in clean pj's, change the littles diapers, put them in bed. Clean the kitchen. Get the baby to sleep. Take a bath. Give the baby another bottle. Finally fall asleep around 2 am, then repeat.

I'm running off 3 hours of sleep at any given time, and people WONDER why I am scattered.

My husband might work his butt off at work for 10 hours a day, but he doesn't have to take his boss to the potty with him and he GETS TO EAT LUNCH WITHOUT SHARING!

When I grow up, I wanna be my husband.