Hi all. I've not shared my story here before (though I have before on Reddit and DWIL), but I have touched at it.
My mother is crazy. She even went to the subs of Reddit and Threads of DWIL/AITF to complain about me, ask how to have me mentally committed, said I was missing and how to find me, etc. (we Shall call her Susan. Not her real name).
To sum things up (it's a very intricate story, but I will touch at it a bit), I moved at 14 in with my dad because I was tired of the control. Basically a life of being told I was too fat, not popular enough, a nerd or geek for enjoying books, being grounded from reading, being screamed at for not knowing how to clean to her standards yet never being taught. I was permanently on a low carb diet (I have ARFID so this made my life hell) and lived off of a hamburger patty a day during the summer when I was stuck at her house. All my important teenage events are riddled with her: her telling me I'm too fat for my prom dress, surprised I made cheerleader, because fat and not popular, etc. Throwing a fit about not letting me go to an out of state college because "you can't leave me". Find out later, this was because our current state had an age of majority to encourage her control till 21. I married an abusive boyfriend at 18 to escape the control.
I went through periods of "cut off", then let her back in. She was back "in" when I was pregnant with my first child. She threw a fit if I didn't let her in EVERY doctor's appt. Threw a screaming fit in our doctor's office because I asked for my anatomy ultrasound to be just me and my husband. Threw a screaming fit because I asked for her not to come to an ultrasound to allow my aunt (who was more of a mom in my teen years than her) to come to just one. Whined and cried because I didn't kick my husband out of my c-section to let her in. Called my OB a quack for saying I needed a CSECTION because she "wanted me to feel what labor felt like". Told me if she saw me taking my pain medicine she'd call CPS on me. Tried to throw them away. Whined and cried because my husband wouldn't "go home" and let her sleep at the hospital.
Told me that she was coming to stay with me for a week after I got home (and I agreed) and that I could cancel other family coming to help. Told my husband and I on the first night she'd watch the baby and we could sleep, don't worry about her or the baby.. Woke up the next morning to 18 passive aggressive texts, her throwing my newborn at me, and leaving and not coming back because "we closed the bedroom door and left her with the baby??"
Tons of boundary stomps, like trying to potty train my 7 month old by putting her on the potty and pouring cold water between her legs. Always in our business. Always crying if she didn't get her way. (there's a ton more but anyway).
I woke up after a dramatic funeral episode when her sister died when my oldest was 1.5 and realized she was grooming her and i didn't want that in my life, so I cut her off, hoping she'd change. (Nov 2015.) I did let her know that I was pregnant with #2, not to tell anyone, but I was letting her know as a courtesy, she told anyone and everyone then whined later that I'd "announced on facebook" before I told her though I had screenshots to show her that I'd told her a solid 2 months before.
So, she didn't get any details on my pregnancy. I was a couple of months along when the doctor's office told me I couldn't see them anymore unless I submitted all my insurances. I said what insurance? I did have all mine on file. Nope. Using the ACA, she'd put me back on her insurance and was getting my EOBs (at 24 years old!) which told her which doc I was seeing, what medicines I was taking, etc. I tried to get off, couldn't unless the holder signed me off (my stepdad). He refused because he's scared of her too. Filed with EVERYONE IMAGINABLE to be taken off, nope. Would ride it out till I was 26 and aged off, or he signed me off. She'd send emails and texts about how I didn't need to be taking this medicine or this medicine.
Then, when my silence remained for months... She called CPS on me. I was 36 ish weeks pregnant and it threw me into labor. She told them I was neglecting and beating my children. They only visited once with that call and closed it immediately, but it's heart stopping.
To try and shorten a long story, the past almost 4 years have been riddled with craziness. I still haven't talked to her. We've moved far, far away. She's called the sheriff for welfare checks (to my old house). She's continued to call CPS. She's made "missing" posts on our local BST pages and has posted on DWIl and here on reddit. She's tried to have me mentally committed. She's posted in a fellow LEO wife page asking the LEO wives to have their husbands "run me" to find where I am. She's tried to sue for GPRs. She called the company we bought my husband's 4 wheeler from and told them "we didn't need that, come get it". She's had people take pictures of my grocery cart and sent me emails about my toilet paper and drink choices being stupid. She's complained about everything from my weight, to the car I drive, and constantly about how much $$ she thinks I spend.
I now have three children. She's never met the younger two and will NEVER meet them or any further children.
I'm sure I'll share future stories. Just felt like venting.
TL:DR My mother is batshit crazy and has went to great lengths to get me under her thumb.
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