Sunday, November 10, 2019

Another Love Letter from Susan

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.


Another piece of eye candy. For what it's worth, I was 30 something weeks pregnant with #3 and she had no idea, and my husband was out of town working a job for 5 months. We weren't split. All mistakes are hers. (BTW her surgery was Lasik and a tummy tuck).



I've thought long and hard about this. Its time for you to get over whatever you think I have done to wrong you and move on with your life. A happy normal life includes your family and at this time you and your life are not normal. Normal happy healthy people do not cut off their mothers or their grandmothers. Normal happy healthy people do not make there brothers choose between there sister and neices or their own mother. Normal happy healthy people do not use their children as prawns in a game of getting their way.

I'm getting older and I am not the healthiest. I had abomnial surgery not too long ago and eye surgery betewen then and now. You know as well as i do that (her sister) and (my cousin, her sister's daughter) were not speaking when (cousin) died because of Cousin's selfish choices. You donot want that to be us. Your making selfish choices right now because the devil has your heart and you are not thinking of your children, of your mother, of your grandmother, only of yourself. That is not Right. Think beyond yourself for once in your life.


The Bible tells you to "honor thy father and thy mother" and you're not honoring your mother. If you were you wouldn't be keeping my grandbabies away from me when I have done NOTHING TO YOU except be the best mother possible. I was a GREAT mother and still am. I have a list of people who can tell you that I was a great mother and whatever lies you have made up in your head are just LIES and untruths.


You stolled talking to me for no reason what so ever. What kind of person keeps their mothers from their grandbabies? I do not know why you stopped talking to me. I've apologized for anything and everything I could have done but you refuse to accept that. You're overweight so your lies of me starving you are pretty obvious. You have friends now that were your friends then so your lies that i didn't let you do anything are ovbious too. What about the dance, the sleepovers, the proms, the cheerleading? you had so much fun doing pageants but then you refused to loose weight so i didn't see waisting our money to throw them away on something you'd never win because you refused to loose weight. You're a pretty girl but fat girls don't win pageants. It's the turth. the BIBLE says the turth will set you free.


While we are being honest I will tell you that i am scared for your children. You can't look past an imaginary childhood you made up in your head to paint me as a vilian but you think your fit to raise small kids? what kind of people are they going to gorwn up as with you isoloating them from their riteful family members/ where is your husband, OP? Your on divorce number 2 at the ripe age of 26. I think it's pretty clear who the unsafe one is here and it is not me.


Why are you so obssessed with money. Eveyr one reports to me that those kids never wear the same thing twice. THat you always have on the Inter Net that yaw are going and spending or taking frivilous vacations and buying new things you don't need. when I see your car in town it's at the store or in a fast food restraunt which if you would stop and grow up and start cooking you'd lose the weight you need to loose. Money doesn't grown on trees and what are you going to do when the money runs out? When you stop having a man to take care of you and who is afraid to tell you no. you always did hate the word no. I joked that i did not know how to relate to you that I'd tell you to get out of the house and walk and exercise and you'd rather read a book. What child does that besides one who is forcing themselves to to spite their mama? Kids don't enjoy that sort of thing. I never met one any way. But you were spiteful and venegevful from the beginning. Anything to make your mom have a headache. Now when I get people messaging me telling me that your in Burger King again or at that Japanese place or in walmart with a buggy load of friivilous name brands I have to realize its a game with you and you are doing this just to spite me. It's time to grow up OP. I'm telling you as your mother to grown the hell up and put your kids first, then your family, and start living a healthier life. Come back to me, OP. Me and grandma will be so happy to help you start over. We will help you get your husband back. We will help you make a budget and stick to it. Have you ever seen that tv show 'interveintions'? you need an interviention with food and money. And that's what we as your loving CARING FAMILY will do.


Here are some things you need to gogle.


Billy Graham "Reach out to estranged relatives and teach children the value of family.


Children, obey your parents in the lord for this is right. Honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth. Ephesians 6:1-3


Colassians 3:20 Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the LORD.


Easter is April 1 and we will be having church at (her brother)'s church in (His town). Service is at 10. Grandma will have dinner afterwards and I expect you and the babies to be at both. Holidays are for familys and I have sacrifiiced enough of my time for you to not act like your supposed to at holidays. My grandchildren will be with me for ALL upcoming holidays.


Mother's day is may 13. Mothers day is to celebrate the matriach mothers of hte famils and that is me and grandma. There will be a rose ceremoney for mother's at Uncle's church that day and you need to be there at 10. After wards we will be going for dinner at the place of Grandm's choice as she is the oldest mother. I do not expect you to pay for my meal or grandma's but if you come to us and get help with your crazy spending you should have plenty of money to give us a waonderful Mother's day.


I love you OP. Its just time to grow up and time to except "you ain't all that" as you'd say as a teenager.


Call me. My number is still the same.



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