Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Broken Record That is Susan.

And so the broken record plays on. I'm not particularly in the mood to reread or rewrite to make some sense of Susan's latest spiral down the rabbit hole of no return. It's literally the same mess she's been spewing for 4 years now-I'm cruel, heartless, and unable to emote. She worries for my children's safety because I am not human enough to have emotions and needs geared towards my maternal family, and threw out a badly misspelled "psychopath". I'm lazy, and I force my husband to do my bidding. I don't know how to cook, and my house is filthy. She's pretty convinced that another CPS call (she is aware of my new state) will help her win her 'babies' (two of whom she has NEVER met). My dad and aunt are paying for my bills, and for my kids' stuff. I should have never had kids if I couldn't pay for them. And on. and on. and on. 

She also threw in there that her friend, who is a guidance counselor at the school district my child would have been in if we still lived there, told her I had not registered my oldest for class as of yet (deadline is passed) so she informed me I'll be going to jail for truancy. And of course, had to ask how dumb I am, to do something like that (we're homeschooling). 

I'm just tired. Another letter for the fuck you pile. 

1 comment:

  1. Isn't her guidance counselor friend using her job to look up your kid's info a major lack of privacy? I'm almost positive you could sue her or at least make it so she loses her job!! That's so unsafe that she's giving info to your mother like that. I'm so sorry you've had to go through this though!


Feel free to leave your thoughts, suggestions, and general "omgs" lol. Except you, Mother.