Monday, January 13, 2020

Money is more important than Memories.

 Growing up, we wanted for nothing when we were with my dad, and Susan would sell anything she could get her hands on. Clothes, toys, dolls, you name it, it would be stuck in a garage sale immediately after we used it because she wanted that MONEY.

When I was a young teen I went to a friend's house. I was freezing has I wasn't expecting to spend the night so her mom told her to grab me "whatever sweatshirt I wanted". And... I learned for the first time that people KEPT THINGS that brought them joy. Her mom had a dresser full of college sweatshirts. Another friends' mom had throw blankets and quilts galore. As I became a mom, my eyes were opened to others passing down their toys and clothes from their childhood to their kids.

I don't even have many of my pictures from growing up, and while I didn't know better in my teen years, as a MOTHER, that's alarming.

Who is evil enough to do such a thing? To be more obsessed with 'money' and a 'clean house' than your kids' memories?

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