Friday, January 10, 2020

Susan thinks I'm stupid.

Susan thinks I'm stupid.

She's done her damnedest to try and make it be known she's "moving". She began in November, sending my dad texts and leaving voicemails to my brother saying she was moving out of the state BEFORE Christmas and to be sure to "let us know" so we feel "safe" to go home for Christmas.

Spoiler: we didn't go home for Christmas. And, because Susan insists that EVERYONE hates me and is just trying to get something from me, she refuses to believe that MAYBE, just maybe, I still talk to relatives on her side.

Of course, not one soul knows of her moving. Her husband is still patrolling the streets of my podunk hometown. Her stupid little car that's the only one in the entire town is still spotted often enough by friends who go out of their way to avoid her. And yet she's still carrying on that she MOVED STATES just so I could stop being a brat and go home.

Yeah, no.

We moved, again. Even further away. It's a 5 hour plane ride, a 21 hour car drive.  I live relatively remotely, where you can go out on my balcony and watch the snow fall and hear the coyotes howl. While I still don't have PEACE, I feel somewhat safe. Like I'm not currently in the fishbowl. I'm sure that'll change quickly enough.

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