Sunday, November 24, 2019

Susan and my contagious shoulder

Not too terribly long ago, I wrote about Susan making up fake ailments and forgetting who she assigned each illness or diagnosis too... Even saying her and my grandmother were both going blind in the exact same eye I had been told I'm going blind in (all a few months apart, and all conveniently forgotten in due time). You can find that here.

Well, a few days ago (4? 5?) after 4 days of excruciating pain in my shoulder, I was told I have a torn rotator cuff and would need to 1) be put in a sling 2) go see a orthopedist 3) discuss surgery.

Well, I have a LOT of little kids and am in the process of moving AGAIN, so slinging it wasn't an option and I wasn't going to see an ortho in THIS state, then turn around and have to find a new one in the new state.

Now, I am somewhat locked down on the book of faces. I know my friends on there, and have Susan blocked (She does have a plentiful supply of fake profiles to keep check on my "public" things). Well, a friend had tagged me in a local BST group's post about a black Friday sale, and I'd commented back (it's a large group from back home) that 1) I wouldn't be in the state on Black Friday, and 2) I had a torn rotator cuff and was in a sling.

Imagine my surprise when today my cousin messaged me, bewildered, because apparently Susan had "had surgery on her shoulder", but hadn't told anybody till after the fact (she loves attention, so odd). She just called folks and said she was "home from her surgery!" And nobody even knew she was HAVING surgery. On her SHOULDER?

I guess my ailments are "catching" even from 800 miles away.

1 comment:

  1. Would love to see her discharge papers on that one. 1000000/1 odds that she actually has them. Poor, poor Susan... God must really hate her for giving her all these ailments.(barf)

    Sorry about you shoulder. Hopefully you have help from your husband and friend with wrangling the kids.


Feel free to leave your thoughts, suggestions, and general "omgs" lol. Except you, Mother.