Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Collection of Letters from Susan: Chap. 1

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence. We have been unsuccessful in receiving a restraining order.

I've decided because the sheer number of Susan ramblings, I'm going to do a series of letters (kinda like in the Bible, if the Bible had batshit flavors such as Susan.) All mistakes are hers.

So, here's a chapter of Susan's crazy. Two emails. <3

(These are still a couple of years ago. Note, my dad did not pay for my vehicle. My husband did.)


"I don't understand you OP. You have throw me away like trash. All because I told you the turth. I deserve to see my grandbaby. You are wrong for withholding her from me. you are wrong for what you named your new baby. how disrespectful can you be. I am your mother not AUNT. I am so why would you stick a baby with a ugly old lady name? that is sick OP. I hope you come to youre sense and change it. It's time to grow up OP. I did nothing but tell the turth. you need to clean your house. you need to get a job. I have offered to keep the baby for cheap. Are you that lazy that you won't get a job. its time you grow up and stop sucking your dad and aunt dry. Stop test driving cars. you don't need a car. let the one you have now go back. your dad can't afford that. You don't work or go to school. Brother is driving the same truck he has been for 4 years now. if anybody nees a new car it is him. Your cutting us all out of youre life because we told you that you need to get over yourself and stop being a smart ass. family is family. we desrve to know what is going on in your life. you can stop telling people i was abusive to you. I never abused you i have been nothing but honest with you since you were a child you are doing nothing but making yourself look like a fool beause nobody believes you everybody knows that i was teh best mom you could have ever had. you need to get treatments for your mental health issues. its time. if you weren't married i could get you help myself but (state mental hospital) won't let me check you in if your married. their stupid. I am your mother.I am closer kin to you than ANY man will ever be. Have tried texting DH but isn't decent enough to respond to see about getting yu the mental help you need. Mentalily sane people don't stop talking to their parents and get mad beause their parents tell them the truth and tell them to clean their house lose weight and get a job. Your heavier than ever I am sure your house is a mess because I know you and you need to get a job so your dad can stop paying your bills and start helping brother more. You even turned brother against me by not letting him see DD so now he doesn't tell me things. its your fault. Please OP get the help you need. let me keep dd while you do that. she deserves so much more than what you are giving her in your mental state. "



"I'm tiered of the little games your playing OP. My birthday is friday and Sunday is the anniverseary of ( Her sister's) death so i will be seeing DD friday and bringing Grandma to see her sunday. Get over yourself and grow up. Everything that has ben done has ben for your own good. Your too young and selfish to realize that but one day you will and it will be to late for us to make up so we are going to do it now weather you like it or not. I was a good mama. Remember the sleep overs? i need to be there for DD's sleepovers now. Its time to stop being stupid. Stop spending baby you don'tneed for anything. stop running the roads. stay home once in a while. stop spending huge ammounts on things your kids wont remember like that 4 wheeler and yaw going to florida all the time. I was told you have been test driving vehicles all over town again. STOP. You don't have the money for a new vehicle you don't even have the money for the one you have now. you don't work you don't need a car. its time to grow up. Get a job. Clean your house. Let me see DD. its been 11 months! Unblock me on my other account on fb. I will see yaw friday!"

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