Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Last Conversation I ever Had with Susan

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.


I've posted the second to the last conversation I ever had with Susan. This is the LAST one. Ever. VERY early 2016, when my lawyer told me I needed to break NC and inform her to stop contacting me. (I'd not spoken to her in well over a month).


Susan: "Hi, can (brother) bring me to see DD for an hour Saturday please? I would love to bring her to the park. After it dryies. I miss her smilly face. Do you think we can put the past behind is go on as a family. I've never hurt you, never put down on you and I will never do either to the baby. You and BROTHER have always been my heart. I busted my butt to help you get what other girls had and loved all the sleepovers. I wanted you on that pedestal like the others. I want to be part of DD dancing or gymnastics. Im sorry I've made you hate me so much. I miss you. I love yall. Please let me see DD."


"Are you feeling better?" (She'd been looking on my EOBs from my forced INS to see i'd been to the ENT).

"You could at least answer yes or no. I am worried about you. I don't understand why you hate me. I was always a great mom. I don't understand why you made that comment on fb. People asking me why you said your protecting your child. I tell them from DH's mom not me! We had a lot of fun when you was growing up. I have never hurt you and I never would and I will never hurt my grandbaby. Don't forget all our good times and try and let those few bad times you have stuck in your memory go. I love you."


"Can I come get DD sunday morning and take her to preaching with me at (random church I've never known her to go to that happens to be by my house)? Please."

Me- "No"

Susan, 7 hours later- "thanks for taking DD and yall visiting grandma yesterday. That meant a lot to her. Now if you will forgive me and lets move forward. I would love to see yall."


Me- "Stop contacting me."


Susan- "You're my daughter DD is my grandbaby and i have another graddaughter on the way I will never give up, OP. Its called love."

"You and I was so close once. Why are you hating me now? I have never abused you. We had fun when you was growing up. Can't you remember the fun? all the sleepovers?"

Me- ""sleepovers" don't erase the belittling, gaslighting, and name calling you've done over the years, but to be most specific, perhaps you should reread your messages to me from November on. If you see nothing wrong with the way you treat me and have treated me then that's YOUR problem but I will not be enduring for any longer, and my children will certainly not be subjected to that. You can stop texting- I have nothing else to say. You an stop asking for DD-I'm her mother, not you, and it's my job to protect her. If you're looking for the most recent example-how you handled the insurance situation. You got what you wanted, I even shared an ultrasound photo of my child with you- and then nope you decided you weren't holding up to your word. I never thought you would-I know you FAR too well after 25 years to believe you'd do something to help me. My children won't be treated as such. Have a nice night."


Susan: "I had not belittled you. ANd I would never ever hurt my grandbabies and i can not belive you would think I would. I have never done nothing but love you and I have never hurt nor hardmed DD. Keeping you on the insruance is for your on good. Its not to be in your business. Its to help you."


Me. "I'm 25 years old. I believe i know a bit more about my medical information and needs than you do. You have zero idea as to how your insurance helps or affects me. You should probably call them and ask them how much they pay for maternity for a dependent. You should also call around and ask how many providers take more than one billing insurance-it's not many. You already know if all insurances aren't presented it's fraud, as you so gleefully told me I would 'go back to jail if i didn't use it'. Of course you don't care because YOUR only concern is being right and in control. And no, you just proved again you do not care for anybody but yourself and keeping me under your thumb. I have nothing else to say to you."


Susan. "You have treated me a lot worse than i could ever treat you. But it has never stopped me from telling you i love you and it will never stop me from it. You can change your number but I will get it. It don't pay maternity but it pays lab and other bills Like meds. Its not about me being right , its about trying to help you."

"As for you telling people you are protecting your child from what you went thru. Your making yourself look foolish beause anyone that knows you knows how close we was and how much fun we had growing up and know how protective I was of you. They know I would kick butt over my kids to keep you from being hurt in any way. Your are a mom and an adult OP. Its time to let things go and move past things. You know I would never hurt you and or the babies. It's not about me breing right OP its never been about that it's about wanting to see you and dd. Nothing more. except loving ya'll. And I love you and DD."


Then she sends me a screenshot of my entire prescription list, dosage, and prescribing doctor and says "Don't help? ha ok. Your welcome."


10 hours later, "Can I come by and see my grandbaby?"


Head, meet wall.

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