Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Collection Of Letters From Susan: Chapt. 2 (more ramblings of crazy)

Trigger warning, death.

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence. I have been denied a restraining order multiple times. I have a lawyer. This is just therapeutic at this point in time.

I will try and put my commentary in parenthesis and bold. All mistakes are hers.

"You need to remember the good times OP remember the sleepovers. Them you left me for your'e dads only beause him and aunt let you do whatever you want. You made up shit about (my first husband, now ex) and him abusing you just like you make up shit about me abusing you. I have been in contact with First Husband and you rooned his life like your trying to do mine. Keeping me from my grand baby is rooning my life OP I love DD unlike I have ever loved anything else. First husband is willing to sign papers saying you have lost your mental saneity even if DH won't. Its time you get help. Can I come see DD tomorrow while DH is at work. You have always had something not completely there with you but it has gotten worse lately. You always spent too much time worrying about your hair or clothes looking like other girls hair and clothes you always wanted to go on big vacations which is a waist of money and you even chose the most $$$ school in the state just to make me feel bad. what is wrong with you op why must you always spend money and why are you teeching DD to act like that too. Stop spending money. You do not need or desurve expensive clothes or vacations or need to get your hair cut or colors. if you have so much money you want to throw it away send it this way but i dout you do. When you work and keep a clean house and be humble and wear dirt cheap clothes like the rest of us then you can say you desurve it. Stop. you need to call me. grow up owen up to your mistakes and lets make this right I am older and wiser than you and know my stuff you could learn from me I am your mother." (My first husband, who I married at 18 to escape her, was abusive. He beat me and his favorite drinking game was real like russain roulette with a 38 revolver and 1 hollow point. At the time she HATED him and did everything she could to break us up, without knowing what was going on behind closed doors. As for the college thing, I did go to an expensive school, on a full scholarship. I wanted to go to HUGE SEC school in the south, but it was out of state and she pitched a royal fit. I would've saved money at the SEC school, she didn't pay a dime for anything education related. She also got really upset because she liked thrifting and going to a seconds store that was filthy called Dirt Cheap. It's not my jam at all, nothing against it, but it's just not. Before the cut off she'd comment on my pictures and say "you need to give me that shirt, you're only going to wear it one time." At no time has Susan ever supported or even gave me a dime, so... She's pretty obsessed with my money though.)

"You think Life is all about you and it is not OP there are other people that matter more than you op so you need to get over yourself and let us see dd. She is going to hate you when she grows up and wanders why she doesn't know her granny. I used to pray after you mooved out that youd one day have a daughter that was worse than you were so you would know how i feel and i hope she gives you hell we already know she is going to hate you for keeping her from her tru e family. you can keep thinkin your a great mom but you are not. I was a great mom. The sleepovers you were always happen always had a friend in and out but I never kept you from family and your a bad mom from keeping DD from family. You foxus more on stupid not important things like how DD is dressed instead of letting her know her family!!! (Her sister) is dead! (her sister's daughter, my cousin) is dead! its time to step up for your grandmother and get whatever little hissy fit your throwing and let us see our DD. Get OVER IT Op. Your a sick person your not normal you need mental help bad baby who has a baby and doesn't tell anybody or let family at the hospital thats not normal you need mental help. You think your feelings matter they don't be an adult and quit acting like a titty baby with your feelings. EVeruthng we did was for your own good. I haven't done a damn thing wrong that wasn't for YOUR OWN GOOD. YOu are just a little girl trying to play house thinking your important well your not you need your mom! Stop acting like you don't." (My cousin was a recovering alcoholic but her mom was a narc too. She wasn't speaking to her mom when she died in a car accident, and then my aunt died 18 months later of a heart attack which everyone claims was 'of a broken heart' and not eating opiates like they were candy for the better part of 30 years. I had had enough of the aunt when she told me that it should have been ME in the accident, not her daughter, and my kid should have been my cousin's, and not mine, and I was a self centered bitch who didn't feed or take care of her kid. Why would she think this? Because my MOM went to a ped appt with us and my doctor said she was healthy but petite so that = OP is starving her kid. Susan tried to deny stirring that pot, but who else would have told her anything like that?)

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