Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan Gets Upset Because She Can't Get Other LEO Wives to Help her Stalk Me.

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 100% no contact. Susan is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.

This is actually pretty recent. Only 8 month-ish ago. Susan's attempts to stalk were failing because I'd moved 2000ish miles away and didn't tell her.

Her attempts at welfare checks, reporting me missing, etc were coming up short.

So, she took to her police wife group and posted my picture, full DOB, my full name, and my husband's full name (which were removed because she was called on it). She then describes her ways of trying to stalk me, and asks people to have their husbands "run me" to try and find me for her.

I'm active in these forums/groups about narc parents and I had no less than 5 people message me saying they THOUGHT someone who matched my mother was posting my person info.

I didn't acknowledge it. I simply PM-ed the admins and asked for the info on myself and my kids, as well as our photos, be removed.

So, Susan retaliated by hardcore stalking down an anon blog (I still have no clue to this day how she found it) and leaving me lovely comments insulting me, telling me to "leave her alone (remember, no contact for 3 years at that point!)" and even telling the world about my vaginal odors (???). Everything is so fake, and made up in her own mind, it's not even funny. I'll let you feast your eyes on her actual rantings in here in a second.

****My mother has never given us a dime. My husband has student loans, she never 'put him through college'. She never gave us money for 'fertility meds', EVER. She even asked if I got food stamps/wic because she was "so broke" and "it wasn't fair she couldn't get them". I did not lose my virginity until 3 years after she's insinuating I did so. Considering I'm married, and have been married/divorced before, and never had an issue with dating, I don't think these odors she speaks of exists beyond her brain. At 3, she took me to the doctor because i 'had to pee too much' which they told her it was probably from a weak bladder from potty training so early (an alarming 11 months old) and she bitched so much they agreed to insert a balloon in my bladder. at 3. Because me peeing was inconvenient for her. I have actual medical files that say this, because my bladder has some issues that my OBGYN was alarmed over so she found and pulled the records from all those years ago.

Happy reading.

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