Monday, November 11, 2019

The Snow Means Susan Will Leave Me Alone.

As I type this, it's pouring snow. We've gotten a solid 6 inches and it's still coming. Everything is white, and I love it.

It's a common enough occurrence here, but home? Home is one of those places that if it gets under 32 degrees people are running around and buying out the milk and bread for "milk sandwiches" as those of us who worked in the Emergency Dept joked for years. Wrecks everywhere at the sign of ice. Power out. You get the drift.

So, when I first cut Susan off, the rare sign of ice and snow would mean for THAT day and maybe a few others, I wouldn't have to worry over a welfare check. I wouldn't have to worry about her bringing friends or preachers or who have you to bang on my door. I wouldn't have to worry about CPS, because for one day, the safety of others was probably more important than Susan's lies.

So the sign of snow falling and a blanket of white everywhere is soothing to me. This is my second winter in "northern" states (the first was 1900ish miles from home) but it just wrapped me up in a blanket of comfort when I caught sight of it. And when I went out to grab the kids happy meals (the horror, I'm probably going to gain weight and go to hell for those happy meals, if we left it to Susan), I was calm, not looking over my shoulder, not on edge... Just CALM.

It's strange that such a small thing, a normal weather occurrence has such a positive meaning for me. Therapy (who is who suggested I write these things out) doesn't do that for me. Anxiety pills don't do that for me. I will probably always been on edge until the day Susan croaks, but for now I have a night of calm, with my house blanketed in snow.

Just a thought tonight. I have a lot on my mind, but this is what came to mind first when I decided to sit down at my computer tonight.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad that something does give you a reprieve. Snow is great, especially during the upcoming holidays. I hope it snows all through the winter for you.


Feel free to leave your thoughts, suggestions, and general "omgs" lol. Except you, Mother.