Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan and my "tumer"

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.

Most of my submissions are in the past. This is in real time.

We live 800 miles from home, and we've lived in 5 states in 2 years, all pretty far from home. Susan flexes and finds my addresses/ new email addresses/makes new emails often enough.

A couple of weeks ago I was diagnosed with a pituitary gland tumor, which answered a lot of questions about my migraines/fertility issues and even pregnancy losses. It's pressing against my optic nerve, which is swollen significantly causing me to be legally blind in my left eye. I'm on a lot of meds to "shrink" it among other things (cortisol leveling, etc) and eventually I will have surgery on one or both (the optic nerve is a given). I've spoken about it on my book of faces, and have been open about it. Well, that just grinds Susan's gears. She decided to go on an email spree. For your reading "pleasure"...


I was told you think you have a tumer in your brain. I told the person who asked me about you that you have a long history of lying and you just want attenten. There's nothing wrong with you, OP. If there was do you not think you might have called your own MOTHER? People want there mothers when thy are sick. You aren't sick so stop using other people's weaknesses to drum up sympathy for you. The only thing that is wrong with you is you have gained too much weight and your lazy. Clean your house. Watch your kids. Be a mom. be a DAUGHTER.Then I'm sure you will feel much better.

when are you going to stop running from your problems and grow up? Why'd you move? Because your scared of facing the truth that you're a felon and you have no friends here and have pushed your enitre family away because you think you have control over my grandbabies? Stop making up new fake problems for attention and come back and face the ones that are here.


I love you.





I don't see why you won't respond to my emails. No one will give me your phone number. Why is that OP. Is everyone scared your going to take the babies away from them to? You don't live in MS anymore. You ran away from your family. You ran away from your past (because thats what you do take the easy way out always right?) Your out there pretending to be someone your not as usual.


DD1 and me shared a strong bond that you ripped from us. I am not getting younger. Its your brothers birthday. Do you even talk to him anymore since you ran from Home State. What are you running from OP? Hoping people will not know who and how you are in a different state? Well let me tell you something little girl I will not rest until I let everyone know in Midwest state exactly who you are and what you do. Your a felon. You abuse your elders - yes ripping a grandchild away for NO REASON other than selfishness is ELDER ABUSE. You don't clean your house. You don't cook. All you do is spend your husband and your dads money and what are you going to do when they get tired of you and your mess. Hope you don't plan on knocking on my door. I'll take those babies but your place is being kept warm in the HOME County Jailhouse sister. Where you belong.


I love you. Get some help, OP.





I see you have forgotton your manners again. When someone rights a concerned letter from their heart you respond. Its polite and your being rude. I can't say I expected more from you. I ran into a few of your friends the other day. Remember all those sleeppvers? the days of fun? Well those girls remember and they also said they are worried about you. Everubody things you're mentally ill, OP. They think so. They are worried for your kids and your husbamd. Why don't you want better for your kids? Why won't you let them have a relationship with their grandma? why must they live in filth and eat garbage? You need to give it up and get the HELP YOU NEED for your problems. I will take care of my babies. Its sad when even the ones who you think are your fiends are agreeing your mentally ill.


Get some help, OP.


I love you


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