Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Collection of Letters from Susan, Chapt. 3 (More ramblings of pure crazy.)

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence. We have been unsuccessful in receiving a restraining order or subsequent charges because of my stepdad's role within law enforcement.

These are older, as well, not present day. I will of course try and put my thoughts in parenthesis. All errors, as usual, are Susan's.

"You desurve nothing nice in this life. You have put your family thru HELL. Your husband will leave you and your kids will hate you and THEN you will wish you had your mom. Too bad you want because your a selfish bitch.

I hope you toss and turn and never get a moment of sleep again. You have earned that.

I hope you can't sleep tonight. I hope you toss and you turn. O hope your husband comes to his sinces and leaves you to figure it out as a single mom like I had to (except my dad had 50/50 custody and paid for everything. She literally did not have to pay a dime for us..) and I STILL gave you fun times, remember those sleepovers? Alimoney and child support don't pay for all those fancy things you love so much. I had to have a colonsophy (this was LONG after the 'I had to have a colonoscopy so I probably have cancer situation) and you didn't care. You wouldn't even let me see my grandbaby (She had TWO grandbabies at this time but only chose to talk about the oldest, she's never met #2). I hope you have a bad health problem so you can know how I feel. I hope you can 200 lbs and can't find a man."

"Op. I shallendge you to make yourself a better person. Let your family back in your life. Let your kids get to know their family. Stop shopping and spending money on ridikulous things. Stop going all the time. Get off your ass and learn to cook instead of eating out constantly. Stop buying toys and expensive stuff. All your teaching them is to be spoiled brats that nobody likes and to pretend to be somebody their not. (except that's what she calls me and SHE raised me for the most part. I didn't move out till 14, so where did she go so wrong? because lord knows I am EVERYTHING she is claiming my kids are going to be, in her eyes.)

You don't need a fancy car or expensive clothes or the Latest cell phone or purse to be happy you need your family. I will help you lose wait and you'll be so much happier and healthier.

There's a place in town that does free mental evals please let me take you there. You need me. I'm your mom. I'll be here when (Dh's name spelled incorrectly) is not.

I desurve respect. You think your a grown women well you need to stop and listen to what your mom is telling you and do what i say because I am older and been thru a lot more than you have and i know a thing or too.

Please get help OP."

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