Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan Gets Mad Because I've Announced My Own Pregnancy

Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.

I had decided to go VVVVLC with Susan after a long, dramatic text from her in Nov of 2015. (I believe you can find that in my history). This recalls the second to the last time i ever spoke to Susan. There's not really much point to this, beyond to recall how Susan treated and spoke to me as a "lesser than" and how she'd try to rewrite history even with black and white proof in front of her.

Around Christmas, I got the feels and was tired of everybody badgering me, so I texted her and broke my VVVVVLC (I will include the text conversations). I did it, because in the back of my mind, I knew she'd go hysterical and pitch a fit if I didn't tell her before I announced publicly, and well, I was right, but she apparently did it anyway. My brother snuck her christmas present into DD and made a point of continuously putting it into her hands when I wasn't looking. Then Susan/grandma ambushed me outside of my house Dec 26. We bought a new car Dec 31, and her best friend works at the dealership. Here's the texts.

Dec30: Mom: I already knew from my instincts you was pregnant, no one had to tell me. You know I've always been pretty dang good at knowing things without being told. I am happy for you. I know how it feels wanting something so bad and not being able to have it when you want it. Give DD loves from Grammy.

Jan 1: Me: I'm sure Susan's Best Friend already told you, but we bought a new car. I was surprised to hear her congratulate me on my pregnancy while I was there.

Susan: everybody needs someone to talk to. She's my go to. She love ya'll and DD and was happy for you, just like I am.

Me: I told you we had not announced yet. I found out you told Grandma when ya'll showed up here, now Susan's Best Friend, who else have you told? I do not appreciate that at all.

Susan: You ever think I was excited I am going to have another grand baby. Even tho you won't let me see the one I already have. Excited for you that you are having another after wanting another so bad? you just want to find something to gripe at me and hurt me for. It doesn't matter what i say or do I never do right by you. I love you. I love DD happy new year. I wish you'd started it out better.

Jan 2: Susan sends screen shot of my Dec 31 9 pm facebook post, announcing my pregnancy in the fireworks.
Susan: You sent me you was preg jan 1st. It was going to get out then got mad at me for telling Grandma and Susan's Best Friend but yet a friend sent me this because I had not announced it. Look at the date You really know how to hurt your mom don't you? that was pretty sorry of u to do that. You really hurt me, Glad your happy you did that. Now you can be happy.

Me: Sent screen shot of the message on Dec 23rd ish, where I had announced to her I was pregnant AND told her to keep her mouth shut.

Me: The date on that says December 23. I announced because it's MY pregnancy and I can. Six days after you'd told Grandma and whoever else. You'd already told whoever the heck you wanted to anyway. I'm not sure what the point of you messaging me today was besides to tell me i'm "sorry" for announcing my own pregnancy.

Susan: that's a lie. I had not told them until the we day we after. But you put didn't want your own mom to know but announced it to FB? That is SICKENING

Me: I MESSAGED YOU AND TOLD YOU. I have the screenshot above that I TOLD YOU ON CHRISTMAS. Please reread and check dates before you go accusing me of things. SIX DAYS before I announced my OWN PREGNANCY. MY PREGNANCY. My body. Not yours. But I told you and also told you we had not announced yet (see the screen shot!) Yet Grandma knew Dec 26 and Susan's Best Friend knew Dec 30? Days before I announced? that's sickening, that you couldn't keep it to yourself even after I told you I hadn't announced. I'm done with this conversation.

Susan: you are right. You wanted to post that a few days after you told me. I'm sorry. But as far as me telling anyone but Grandma before the Post I DID NOT. Not even Susan's Best Friend. I told Grandma before coming by there trying to cheer her up because she had been crying for a week. We just left the cemetery putting flowers on graves and she wanted to see yall. Anyway good luck with your preg. I hope it goes well. No two ever goes the same so it should go smother. I love ya'll.

Me: Susan's Best Friend knew because I saw her the day I got my new car, hours before I posted that, and she told me congrats. So PLEASE just stop. I know you did. And then calling me sickening for announcing my own pregnancy. You've told me so many times Grandma can't keep a secret, so you telling her really made me mad.

Susan: I did not tell her till the 30th.

Me: A full day before I told anybody else. Doesn't matter. I told you we hadn't announced. I now know now it is. I'm going to bed.

Susan: Cousin (that Susan and grandma have shunned from the family, and none of the rest of them will talk to) told a family member right after you found out. Your dad and Aunt knew but you didn't want your mom and your only grandmother to know. Its ok op, I know how it is too. You find some reason to keep DD from me and any reason you can to hate me. And no, I didn't tell Susan's Best Friend before you post it.

(Keep in mind Susan stalks "public" book of faces posts by me, and then says a "friend" sent them to her. She'd seen my cousin comment "Finally! I was the first to know!" So this is where that came from.)

Me: Keep lying Susan. You just said you told Susan's Best Friend Dec 30. Ha I saw her the 31st. About 5 hours before I posted anything. and No, Cousin didn't tell anybody because guess what? Cousin didn't know till about an hour before I posted. I'm not sure why you feel the continued need to lie, but that's okay. Whatever. Goodbye.

Susan: Cousin knew before anybody else. I've got no reason to lie. I have nothing else to lose. I do not have you nor dd in my life so what else can i lose. You not letting me be a part of ya'lls lives so I won't be part of the new baby either. So I've got nothing to lie about and nothing to lose. I am done. You know all about lies, don't cha. You tell them all the time. And apparently I'm not your mom because you haven't let me feel like i'm your mom in a long long long time. You made AUnt your mom because she will tolerate your bullshit and I won't. now you see how it feels. Not good does it. I will keep getting into your business because it's MY BUSINESS TOO!

Jan 18th:

Susan: just wanted you to know no matter how mad we get with each other I still love you. Tell DD grammy loves her

Can I see a sonogram of MY grandbaby?

And that's the end. I didn't ever respond. I felt so removed from the situation I wasn't sure where to turn or what to do. Could she really think she had so much power over me she could make me believe something happened that didn't? Or that it's my fault she's upset for announcing my own pregnancy? Or she can rewrite history despite written proof?

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