Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan Decides The Only Way To Defeat the Wicked is to Bring in a Holy Man

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence. We have been unsuccessful in recieving a restraining order or subsequent charges (such as harassment and stalking) because of her husband's role within law enforcement. We move often so have not stayed in any state long enough to gain residency (as we are always told to file for an RO or OOP within our state of residency.)



So, Susan is religious when it can me spun in her favor, and her mother, my JNGM, is super super religious. JNGM spends her days looking up scriptures on how you should honor your mommy and writing letters to me and my brother about how we're going to go to hell if we don't let mommy control our lives again. She even told my brother it was "too late for me, as I'm going to burn for all eternity, but she could still save my kids!"


I'm not religious, at all. Sometimes I wonder if I'd like to be, but after years of religion being used to demonize me, I am hesitant to turn to any religion because I find it really hard to grasp that any diety would support such immoral and evil people as my maternal family. Of course when I backed away from religion, pre-cut off, Susan and JNGM didn't give a flying rat's ass, but AFTER the cut off? Oh goodness, I might has well have said I was out killing goats to sacrifice at an alter to Satan and forcing my child to help me. "Not religious" = Satanic, in case you're wondering. This was news to me.


Susan would send me messages weekly asking me to "set" my child out the front door in church attire as she wanted to take my daughter (1.5 at the time) to church to save her soul. I ignored her. She's messaged book of faces friends of mine to tell them that "she raised me in church" and isn't sure why I was no longer religious, but "she hates that I turned so evil". I went to church with my grandma because i'd spend most saturday nights that weren't my dad's time over there by myself because my poor brother needed "alone time" with Susan (he's the GC.) Oh, and that year that she made us go every Wednesday and Sunday because she was "over" stepdad refusing to get a divorce and she wanted to go to their "great singles group". That's the extent of my " being raised in church."


Susan tried to use one of my (many, many, many years prior) children's directors to "help her save me.". He noped out of that. Then, she began using my grandma's preacher. These fools drove around my LOCKED GATE in my driveway down a huge hill that had a severe incline (the space was TINY. I don't see how she squeezed a car in, but she did) to come and bang on my front and back doors so the preacher could try and talk to me about Jesus wanting me to hand my life and kids back over to mommy.


So, I wasn't too surprised when I finally got an email from this preacher, who I suppose was pretty annoyed that he was not being allowed in my house or spoken to.




I just wanted to reach out to you and see how you were doing. It's been quite a while since we've seen you in church (yeah no kidding. Probably 12+ years, dude, read the room), and I know your grandmother and Mom are extremely worried about you. Your mom asked me a few times to go to your house-once with her, 2 times without-but each time we seem to miss you. Can you let me know of a good time that we can get together? I'd love to chat with you, and your mom is interested in having some mediation when it comes to ya'lls relationship.


Your mom and grandmother are concerned for yours and the kids' well being. I've never had the opportunity to meet your kids, but do you not think they deserve more than what they have now? A relationship with Christ is essential in raising small children to learn and love the Lord. Your family has expressed worry that you've lost your faith. Your mother's also extremely worried about your well being and the kids' well being in general; she has expressed many concerns about cleanliness and a lack of proper nutrition? If you'd be so inclined to join us, we are having a cooking class at the fellowship hall in March. Just give my office a call to set things up.


Please, think of reaching out to your family, or of course, myself.


I will leave you with some Bible verses to mull things over. I wish you a wonderful Sunday.


(15 fucking Bible verses but this one stood out: Wisdom is with the aged, and understanding in the length of days. Job, 12:12)-Preacher"


Because I was tired and annoyed and probably pregnant at the time (i don't really remember but I'm pregnant a lot and my fuse is much shorter when I'm with child lol), I didn't type a word, just sent the guy screenshots of what my mom had commented on an anonymous blog of mine. (here). He replied back within an hour.



I have read the screenshots you sent me. While some of it doesn't make sense, and I know your mother has some health issues, I do think she comes from a place of love with all of those messages.


I know she's personally expressed that her and Grandmother are concerned over the fact that you don't cook and the grandkids are living off fast food and other unhealthy choices when your husband isn't there to provide nourishment. They've also expressed concern over the fact you don't seem to do much housekeeping and have told me many times they've offered to help, or to take the kids so you may clean. They're at the point of wanting to reach out further to social services in chances their concerns will be taken seriously, which is why I decided to reach out to you myself. We all know the last time they chose that method it only further angered you.


Please, consider reaching out to them, or even the church for assistance in getting things back how they're supposed to be.


Enjoy the rest of your Sunday."


So, yeah, there it is. Nothing screams "Southern Baptist Sunday Adventures" like your batshit mom having her preacher send a letter lecturing you on eating fast food and "cleaning your house" (he'd never been in my house or seen inside).


A few days later Susan blew me up on every platform she could find, whining that I was so rude and made her look bad for ignoring her poor preacher. Not sure what she expected, me to rush to her house to hand her my kids and borrow a Bible? I'm not sure what she was expecting Him to do, exorcise me? Bathe me in holy water? Who KNOWS.

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