Sunday, November 10, 2019

I cause Susan and a Whole Slew of Family Members to Need Colonoscopies and to Go Blind In Their Left Eye.

Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence. We have been unsuccessful in receiving a restraining order.


Susan is always sick and and dying. ALWAYS. Or somebody else is, but she forgets what she says and some folks have had identical, overlapping illnesses. I'm very close with my dad (they've been divorced for years) and he gets texts from her every now and again, but hasn't replied to her since 2012. Just laughs and moves on.


May 2016, he got texts from her telling him that "Ya'll need to get together and have OP mentally evaluated. BROTHER is upset because she got on his phone snooping and saw where he sent me a picture of MY grandbaby on her birthday and now tells him he's not allowed to see DD. (Dad) something is seriously wrong with her. I can't have anything to do with DD because I stand up to her. She's a bully and using that baby to get her way is as wrong as keeping her from me. Yall only hear her side of thing and that's ok but don't let her treat BROTHER that way make her let him see the baby. He is very upset to the point of hyperventilating. I am past her belittling me but I refuse to stand back and let her hurt BROTHER. he has never hurt her. he loves that baby and she is starting to show signs of being mentally unfit to raise babies. I am not the only one noticing it."


Two days before Mother's day, he informs me that (we're next door neighbors) he ignored 3 calls in a row from her (he was sick) and the next thing he knew, his doorbell was ringing. He said he opened the door and she started in on her rampage, with tears and all, claiming "she had been scheduled a colonoscopy, she wanted to make things right with OP before she got the 'bad news of colon cancer', her sister/niece weren't talking when the two of them passed and she didn't want to be like that, blah blah." Then she told him to call me for her, and tell me to come "home" (I was out of town, but obviously my car wasn't home) so she could see her grandbaby.


First of all, NO. I'm not 15. She's always had to have me under her thumb. I was most amused at the 'call her and tell her to come home' and I was 25 years old. It was an old manipulation tactic she'd pull after I moved out from her house at 14, but in with my dad, she'd show up at his house on my days of importance (homecoming, prom, cheer tryouts) and tell him to make me come HOME over some stupid little excuse for her to bitch at me. I told DH I'm having flashbacks and they're not good flashbacks, either.


Second, she has divorced/separated/reconciled with her current husband 3-4 times in the past 10 years, and the last time she "took him back" it was because he had a "colonoscopy and she thought he had colon cancer". SO the common "diagnosis" there makes me go hmph.


Then, about a week later she's going to tell me she went to the eye doctor and they told her she was "going blind in her left eye" and she wanted to see the kids before she couldn't see anymore. Ignored. This might have been believable if I hadn't been just declared legally blind in my left eye (And she had access to that info because I was still hostage on her insurance back then).


7 weeks later (there was a lot of in between contact from her), she messages me, "I know you don't want to hear from me but I want you to know Grandma is goign blind in her left eye. And was hoping you would think about letting her "see" the babies b4 she can't see them at all. Just think about it. I will stay away."


Turns out poor grandma wasn't too terribly blind because within a week I received this letter from her. (They bitch CONSTANTLY to everybody that I'm a mean heathen who doesn't believe in God so it's their lot in life to save my children.) GM is a good flying monkey, apparently.


"My Dear Op,


I pray that you and the babies are well (no mention of my husband, the kids' dad). I also pray Lord please open OP's heart and let your love and the love of her family flow in. That we may all have peace, love and joy. Thanks your father, in the name of Jesus Amen.


Baby we love you and miss you and the babies. PLease don't let hate and pride destroy our family. We are not promised tomorrow! SO forgive so our father in heaven can forgive us.


Your mom loves you and prays day in and out that you will come to her. She has a lot of heatlh problems, she don't want ya'll to know. The dr said all from depression. So I am begging you, please let her in your life. Your Mom gave you such a good life. Think of all the parties and sleepovers and friends you had over. I have never in my life seen somebody as excited to be a grandmother as your mom. She loves those babies as much as you do, it's unbelievable.

I love you, Grandma.


I Hope you have a merry "CHRIST"mas and a blessed New Year."



So, to sum things up, my hate and pride, you know, from hating being abused; and pride that my children were too good to be abused; caused my mother depression, which caused her to be scheduled a colonoscopy, which is not at all a normal procedure at all for a 55 year old woman, so that probably means my hatred has caused her to get colon cancer, because that's the only way you get scheduled a colonoscopy (just like my same hate had caused my stepdad to have to go through a colonoscopy the year before at 55, as well. Damn. That's some strong stuff). That same hate and pride caused the depression which apparently is responsible for the entirety of my maternal side of the family to "go blind in their left eyes" months apart.


Of course, it would never be a true Susan story without a REAL Susan letter. Received a whopping 2 weeks later. (Her surgery, confirmed,-a tummy tuck.) My thoughts will be in (parenthesis).


"In case you care I had abominable (like the snowman? What?) surgery this week. Its sickening that my grown daughter will not grow up and be a adult and take care of her duties as a grown daughter is supposed to do. Grandma is 79 and has been cooking supper (why? You don't cook worth a fuck and you send me weekly letters bitching saying I don't cook, so what does it matter if grandma is cooking?). Stepdad only gets 2 days off and works 50 hours a week and he's cut grass (on a riding lawnmower) and did laundry (that's WOMAN'S WORK! The horror!) and had to sweet and mop (more woman's work. He's probably growing a vagina now, from all that woman's work!) on his days off instead of relaxing as he should BECAUSE HE WORKS HARD (he's a cop 40 hours and campus police 10 hours. All that hard work riding around in a cop car surely must take it out of him..). Its a shame that the one whos responsibility it is YOU! refuses to grow up and act like an adult. I let you have your fun as a kid. All the dance the sleepvers and the friends! Your lazy husband (Who averages 80-110 hours a week doing a highly specialized field of manual labor) can watch those kids or bring them to me (but you just had 'snowman surgery, why would you want those kids?) while you do what your meant to do (what i'm meant to do? You bitch WEEKLY that I don't cook and clean my own house but you want me to come do your shit, okay...). When are you going to wake up and realise that the world does not revolve around OP? (And that it in fact revolves around me, TP-Patrol!) That you are nowhere near important and nothers need to come first? (how dare you think you're needed! Let me make sure you know you're not important or needed, you just owe it to me). I pray you grow up one day and become the person I TRIED TO RAISE YOU TO BE. (A fucking doormat.)


Love you,

Your Mom."


So, yeah. I'm a big asshole that causes my mom to have fake cancer and blindness often due to depression, and apparently it's contagious depression because my grandmother and stepdad suffer the same ailments often enough when she forgets what story she's tried to feed me.

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