Sunday, November 10, 2019

How Susan Feels About Boundaries.

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence. I have been denied a restraining order multiple times. I have a lawyer. This is just therapeutic at this point in time.

Susan seems to have no idea that children are actual tiny human beings with feelings of their own. She also seems to have no idea that anyone she gave birth to can have thoughts different from her own.


These were when I only had one child, but she was "HERS". She never referred to her as my daughter, or my anything. She was HER granddaughter. Her baby. Hers.


Then she let it be known that DD wasn't a PERSON to her, she was a toy. She sent me an email that essentially asked me to treat my child like a gallon of milk, to be set out on the porch.


"Please let me be grandma. I won't speak ro you at all if you don't want me to. Let me swing her in your yard a few minutes and I will leave. I won't take pictures, I won't bother you. You can just send her out the door and I will help her on the swings. You say 2 min then ok. I'll put her on the porch and leave. Nothing said. If I mess up and talk then you don't have to do it again if you don't want. I will not speak to you. Please."


"I don't understand how you can throw me away like trash. I love you and I have begged for forgiveness. You was always my special girl. So smart and so petty and I was so proud watching you grow up. The sleepovers and dancing. Always so much fun. At least you can't take that from me. I can not see how anyone with a heart could do her mom this way. I have cherish my grandbaby. My hurt comes from the idea you would ever think i would hurt DD and you not wanting a mom but I still love you."



Of course, in true Susan form she can't leave those emails to just themselves. Oh goodness, no. She had to write a post on the book of faces. It shocked even me, and I knew how she was.


"Familys don't set boundarys only people who are trying to do bad things and hide their bad ways from their familys is who set boundarys. I gave birth to 2 kids with the expectitations that those 2 kids will be my kids for life. I didn't give birth to 2 kids to be told what i could and could not do and I refuse to do so. I have rights as a parent and rights as a grand parent and I will be damned if one of my kids try and tell me what I can and cant do. They're gonna learn; I am the mom and what i say goes. They won't be talking about boundarys anymore anytime soon."


And there you go folks.


That's how Susan feels about my boundaries and how she feels my child is a toy.. or an object? lol.

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