Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan and the Expensive Toilet Paper

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.

Susan is my mother, in case you haven't guessed. Susan is extremely obsessed with money, and "things". Growing up, she got a SHIT TON of child support and alimony and her car note paid so we'd have a way to go, but she never bought us anything. Our dad was responsible for clothes, shoes, extracurricular activities, things like tampons, pads, etc, snack money for school, lunch money, tuition, toys, etc. She fed us dinner, but for the better part of our lives we were on the 'Adkins' diet aka no bread or carbs. I have ARFID, which has been linked back to her. But most of the time dinner was a hamburger patty, hamburger helper, or ramen noodles. That was her contribution for us. She said she used child support to pay the house note, and later, her husband's child support on HIS kids.

With that being said, even though SHE would never buy us anything, she'd BITCH if my aunt/dad bought us anything. We didn't "need" anything. She'd throw things out if we brought them home, including underwear. Underwear was to last years, according to her. We didn't need new clothes, if we'd stop eating so much we wouldn't be fat. Toys were stupid and in her way. And so on and so forth. (She also REALLY hated my books. Her favorite thing was to ground me from reading).

About 2 years into the cut off, I'd went to Wal-Mart, blissfully by myself, and gotten some essentials. Walmart without kids was pretty much a VACAY. I'd seen a distant 2nd cousin, exchanged southern pleasantries, didn't pay attention to the phone in their hand, and had an email later that night from Susan. The cousin had obviously sent her a photo of my buggy. (My girls would've been 3 and not even 1 at the time, for reference.)

My husband was working away from the house for a duration of 5 months (This was during that time, he was 1300 miles away), and I was about 5 months pregnant with #3, but she didn't know any of that, because NO CONTACT. What she said just showed she'd been watching me/my house.

Without further ado (all mistakes are hers):

I am writing this to you as your mother somebody who loves you and thinks you need help from a profesional. There is something wrong with you OP and always had been and there is nothing wrong with admiting it and seeking the mental help you need. I'm not sure where I went wrong with you but it is never too late for fixing things and you becoming a better mother and daughter for all of our sakes. please stop being so selfish. You're kids needs a family. if not you will wake up and find you without kids when they are adults one day because they will never forgive you for keeping them from a loving family. it is not healthy. your not healthy. I have speaked to \Grandma's Preacher* about you and mine's problems several times. After recieving the pciture I did tonight i reached out to him again and he forwarded the following link to me-it is a good read. PLEASE read it. *insert biblical article about overspending* I really think biolar is what you are. Normal people do not cut off there parents for no reason. we had such a good realationship. You always were so pretty and so funny and had sleepovers all the time. You had everything you ever wanted. I made sure *aunt* and your dad got you the clothes you needed and for the most part wanted. I spent every dime of the child support on a nice house to go over ur head. ANd yet you can throw me away like a sack of trash. It was when i started putting my foot down and telling you that the constantly wanting wanting wanting THINGS and vacations and things you did not earn and telling you no is when you started pulling away. You can't deal with the word no can you OP? I hope for your sake you learn.*

I am willing to turn over a new leif. I am still your mother so you need to listen to me weather you like it or not. I deserve respect as your mother and I will get it. I deserve respect as your kids grandmother and i weill get that too. I know \OP husband* is not living there anymore. What did you do to scare him away. Did you spend all his money? is he sick of supporting your shopping habit? at this point it is a addiction it is not healthy and I think it is part of your bipolar.*

please call me when you get this. it is time to be an adult and accept that money is not everything. You do not need $20 toliet paper. Papertowels are a waste of money you are literaly throwing away money by buying them or the expensive hefty bags. so are ziplocks. I feel as if I failed you as a mom by not teaching you these things but it is time now to learn. I will help you. Snacks and junk need to stay at teh store that's why you have put on so much weight. \store brand* coke tastes the same as coke and is 1/2 the price. Why are you buying more underwear and t-shirts last time I was there you had plenty. Why are you buying diapers both girls are old enough to be botty trained. I had both of you potty trained BY one year.*

Grow up OP .Dont make your children suffer and teach them to be healthy about money. it is time you learned yourself.

love you.


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