Sunday, November 10, 2019

More Tales of Susan: I don't Look at Your Social Media!

So, a few months ago (deep into the cut off) Susan decided that she was going to use my child's photo as her cover/profile photo on social media. It was old, but still. She has pedophile friends, so I do not want my child associated with her. (to summarize that, I kept reporting, FB kept taking down, she kept putting up. The final time she put her last name across my child's face and said it was a watermark and she owned the content. Long story short, she no longer has that account, but she does have several new ones).
I was frustrated after the 6th repost and set a status to public that my "mother" is a vile person and doesn't have permission to post my children, and it's not only wrong but illegal, and her husband is a cop. I probably should've have publicly acknowledged her, but i did. I had a TON of comments on it, and lots of people reporting for me.
Susan must've been thrilled. She went down and messaged EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON MY STATUS. She just copy/pasted and changed names, but I'll include one set... for science.
(To summarize, Susan has a VERY vivid imagination. My daughter was 1.5 when I cut her off, and she cried to everybody because she missed her 2nd birthday-but read the post. I also do have a felony, from when I was very young. It was for bad check. Susan seems to have "Grown" it to Embezzlement in her head.)
That week, I got 5 emails to my old email about how "She doesn't look at my social media so i need to stay off of hers and stop reporting my daughter's picture because she has RIGHTS TO POST HER OWN GRANDDAUGHTER".
Just a small Susan story. There's more juicy out there, but I'm working myself up ;)

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