Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Love Letter from Susan

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. Susan is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.

This came about 6 months ish into my cut off. (4 years ago).
It was the beginning of her showing just how hardcore her stalking could be.

Enjoy. (all mistakes are hers. They will stay, because you can't grasp the crazy without them).

I love you OP I dont understand why your being like you are. You are letting something you made up in your head get you upset and now your keeping me from my grandbaby for no reeson. We have never faught like this before we have never had arguements you have always been my best friend from the time you were born, you were my baby doll and my reason to wake up in the morning and now you just decide to keep me out of your and DDs lives like I am a sack of trash to be through to the curb. I havent done anything to desurve this and it is not right for you to be doing me this way. you are WRONG for the way you are doing me you are killing your mother.
I waited my whole life to be a grandma. You were determinned to take that from me from the beginning but i smiled and beared it and dealt with your crazy rules because i wanted to see my grandbaby. she is my grandbaby and you cant take that from me OP. you refused to listen to my advice when it came to naming her. you hurt my feelings with your lies about hating your own name when i know you love that name because i love that name there is no way you can not like it. Your not stupid enough to not like it. You wanted to name her after AUNT when AUNT is not your mom she is just your dads sister and you only like her because she can and will spend money on you and i will not. its time to stop being a spoiled brat OP. It is not all about you. i have feelings too. Mawmaw has feelings too. We deserve to be in DDs life. WE have decided that we do not care if you do not want to see or talk to us anymore but we will not be left out of DDs life. That is not fair. you are a sick person for trying to keep my grandbaby from having a grandmother. you do not have that right. grow up OP and realize that you do not come first anymore.
why can i not keep DD while you go clean your house and get things done? that is not fair. You can keep lying and telling people you are sick and cant do anything because you dont feel good. I do not understand why you do those things. I loved being pregnant. I wanted both of my babys. You complained from day 1 about being sick with DD and now people tell me you still complain about being sick with this new baby and i tell them its just for attention. there is no way at that far along pregnant you are still getting sick. Stop looking for attention and get off your butt and do something. I will watch DD. I pass by your house and your grass is knee high and your car is dusty and the swingset is just setting there and your never outside you are always inside or never home. cut your grass wash your car pressere wash your house dont run the roads all day long and your stuff will look better. Stop spending money and stay home. you dont need any clothes. you dont need any purses. you dont need shoes. you don't need to keep buying clothes for DD she has plenty and she doesn't need all those toys because then she will wind up spoiled. She needs her grandma. don't neglect her of what she needs. stop spending money you don't have.
you spend all day driving around town running the roads and it is ridicilous. how can you afford that car OP. is your dad paying for it too. ask your dad why does you get a new car again and your brother who is working his butt off in school to make something of himself have to drive the same one for 4 years. You dont even need a car you do not work. you need to get a job after you have this baby. I will keep the babys and I wont charge nearbout what the daycares charge. And i am their grandma i love them more than anybody else ever could. that includes you.
i went into *local kids store* to buy DD something and see about getting the new baby something cheap and the girl there told me that you already had what i picked up and that she thought the new baby was a girl. even the people at *local kids store* see my grandbaby more than me. and i have a feeling this baby is a boy so you can stop lying and telling people it is a girl. we don't have two girls back to back in this family. the doctor who told you that is a quack and needs her licence removed. stop embarassing your family and going in these high and mighty expensive stores and spending too much money that you do not even have on stuff that DD does not need to be happy when the only thing she needs to be happy is a relationship with her granmda. I havent been in *local kids store* in 15 years and i wont be back anytime soon that is robbery in there and it is way too expensive you are stupid and need your head checked for even spending a penny with them.
I forgive you for the way you have talked to me in the past. i forgave you for stealing my experience as a grandma and not letting me watch DD be born. you ripped my heart out when you told me that DH was going to be in your csection and not me. That is not normal, OP. Your nana was in the room for you being born and mawmaw was in the room for BROTHER. your dad is a normal dad he stayed in the waiting room. your dad never changed a diaper and I wanted to change DD's diaper and DH said he would do it he wanted to learn. Dads dont do that. that is wrong and disgusting and he stole that moment from me. her first diaper change i will never get back because he was being selfish. I cant go back and be with you for her birth because you were selfish and wanted DH in there who is a friend instead of me. I am your MOTHER. I DESERVED TO BE IN THERE. I AM YOUR BLOOD. HE IS NOT. I bet DH doesnt have to beg and plead to see DD. I bet you let him take her places without you. I want that relationship with DD. it is not right you are depriving me of that but you let others have a relationhip. I deserve that. We had such good times growing up. until the last year we had never fought we had never argued. you was my best friend. I want to be a parent OP and there is nothing wrong with that. I let you have sleepovers. i took you to dance. I sacreficed my time for you.
Just because you dont like the way things are done is no excuse for cutting out your entire family. your mawmaw is not getting any younger. She needs to see DD. She's had multiple heart attacks. I am sick in my stomach and they thought it was cancer you didnt care. You didn't call, you won't let me on your facebook, you still keep my grandbaby from me. Your worng for doing that!
Its time to grow up OP and let the past be the past. you can't control everything that goes on. You can't control me. You can't control my relationship with DD. Stop preteending to be something that you are not. You are not rich, you are not an upity high and mighty, so stOP pretending and start doing like the rest of us saving your money and shopping where you can i see plenty of cute clothes at Dirt Cheap and THRIFT STORE. What is wrong with those places. Youre not too good for them.
Have that baby and get off your butt and start walking start cleaning and you'll lose that baby wait. When I was your age I was 110pounds and worked all day. You dont have the long csection cut like i do so you can lose that weight. Get a job. It will help you lose wait i will keep the babies. I just need enough to pay my bills i won't charge you an arm and a leg.

HER SISTER died suddenly and i could die suddenly too. How would you feel if i died tomorrow? Don't let it be to late when you decide to let stuff go. I won't let you. It's time to let it go. Stop being a bitch to your brother for trying to help his family. He loves DD. She's his baby too. She's my baby too. stop being so selfish and trying to deprive that. He can bring DD to me and bring her back adn you'lbl never even have to see me. What's wrong with that besides your trying to be controlling. If you don't see that then you really need help OP. Please baby get some help.
I love you

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