Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan has Rights, And I'm going to Pay for her to Exert Those Rights

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.

Susan feels that I am a big meanie pants because I won't let her parent me. And my kids. And my husband. Basically, I probably should hand over all my money and things to her, and she'll dole it out as needed. (But not for toilet paper or underwear, those are not needed-see my history).

Anyway, shortly after my 3rd child was born (which he was 11 weeks old at the time of these postings, so it's funny her timeline), she found out and went on a big book of faces tantrum. She posted on her page, lawyers' pages, etc. on how big of a meanie her daughter was and how she has RIGHTS.

For your entertainment, I give you Susan's feelings on Grandparents' Rights.

As usual, all mistakes are hers.

A Facebook Post on her own page, made public-

"I have the name of my new grandson. Now I'm over it until after Elections. I was told to get back in contact with a certain someone and we are going to start trying to make changes in the Grandparents Rights Law. It might not help me but I'm praying that the hundreds of thousands of Grandparents that can't afford to hire Attorneys only to be toldin court its the parents decision or at their convenience to when you can see them and they are still not allowed to see the grandchildren. Our Grandchildren need to have us in their lives. Maybe that is what is wrong with this generation coming up. I was not raised to disrespect people and I did not raise my two to treat people the way I'm being treated. Grandparents have a lot to do with how our generation turned out. If you look on the internet you will find millions of Grandparents not allowed to be part of the grandchildrens lives. Most of the time it's over nothing or a little nonsense that was apologize for but they just can't let it go. I want all of you that are grandparents or that have children and let them hagvge a part of their grandparents lives to share this. Spread to word so generations to come can hopefully have rights that we don't because look around you, kids are bad and getting worse. I truely believe that if there was a way to take a pole of these kids and young adults that stay in trouble we would find 90% of them have No part of being in their grandparents lives"

A friend commented and said "it would be somewhat easy for you but it takes a lawyer, and there aren't many good ones".

To which Susan replied " Not easy, she crossed her T's and dotted her I's over 2 years ago and I am just finding out what she did that probably closed any case I might have had. I don't have money to fight it anyway and if I did like I was told they would tell me the visits would be at the parents convenience. Meaning excuses all the time. This is why I'm talking to people that make these LAWS to try and get them changed. They might not help me but if it helps others then I will have done what I needed to do. So please share or copy and paste the above. Keep it going."

Then" The LOCAL NEWSPAPER wants to do a story on this. If you or your friends whats to try and get story out it might help. They did say they want all sides of the issue and it might cause more hurt. But like in my case it can't get an't worse because I know I'm a good person. I know she made up stories about me. I know she is and habitual liar and can make anybody believe everything she says think she's telling the truth whether it is true or not and most of the time it's not. I know I was a great mom, I know i gave my kids a great childhood. OP tells a very different story. But I know the turth and thats what matters. SO tell your friends if they wnat to tell their story to inbox me or LOCAL NEWSPAPER NAME and say they want to tell their story on Grandparents Rights."

Another comment, from Susan " Anyone that has a story they want to get out there about your rights being taken away as far as being a Grandparent, its your time to get it out there. LOCAL NEWSPAPER is interested in this story.They want to open eyes for us. in Box the local newspaper. Let them know you are a grandparent having a problem seeing your grandchildren. Spread the word. I want to get Grandparents some rights and I want to try and get these rights does (if it has to go thru an attorney and Court) at the expense of the person keeping our grandchildren from us. We have GOT to wake people up about this."

The following comments are left on a lawyer who advertises custody cases as his specialty's social media page. By Susan. A tiny bit of clarification, my brother was kicked out of her house (he only had stuff there for when he was rarely home from college) the day after my 2nd child was born, because he didn't tell her she was born or give her photos. She told him to come home NOW and get his shit, she wasn't his mother anymore, and set his things by the curb. I also told my mother, who I was VVVVVVLC at that time, I was pregnant with #2 on Dec 21, 2015. I told her NOT TO TELL known she knew. Then on Dec 30, Susan's acquaintance who worked in a car dealership (i was buying a new car) congratulated me. I announced I was pregnant January 1st, 2016 on social media. Susan lost her shit accusing me of "announcing before I told her" and then called me a mean, evil person trying to steal her thunder when I replied by sending screenshots of dates and times when I told her plus when I posted on social media. That was the 2nd to the last time I ever spoke to my mother.

"Congratulations to my daughter. You have everything you wanted. Babies, everything you want you get. And kicked your mom to the curve. I love you OP and that is the one thing that you can't take from me. I wish I knew why you hate me so much. I've asked for your forgiveness thousands of times for reasons unknowing to me. You and I was best of friends, a great mother daughter team. That is what hurts more than anything. It was just thrown away alone with any chance of me having part of my grand children's lives. DD1 and I had gotton close."

"In my case i do not have the money to fight the matter. Even though I think the children are worth my daughter is a habitual liar and she has people beleiving that I was an abusive parent. She and i was very close up until she turned 15. She has 3 babies now and after the 1st one turned 2 that was the last that I was allowed to see her. My daughter started bad mouthing untrue things about me. That is also when she found out she was having another baby. She announced it on FB and then told me. And I'm just finding out she had a baby boy about 3 weeks ago. And I can't even get a name from anyone. My son is 24, I sent him to live with his dad two years ago so he could keep an eye on the babies (it's sickening with nastiness) and now he won't even give me a name. I can't fight them because my daughter has brainwahshed even my son now into belieivng her lies. They have money to fight in court but my husband and I live paycheck to paycheck"

"my daughter and I was very close in her younger years. Four years ago she had her 1st baby girl. The 1st two years of her life everything went great. Then she got pregnant with the 2nd baby. I gota little upset that she had announce on FB before telling me but I apologized and tried to move on. She on the other hand would not. My daughter stopped letting me see the baby. She stopped answering my calls, wouldn't let me have any part of the 2nd baby at all. Now I'm finding out I have a grandson that's around 3 weeks old. I don't know his birth date either nor a name. For two years I tried calling, texting, emailsand sent letters in the mail trying so hard to let my daughter know how much I love her and apologized over and over and over for anything and everything I could thing of that I might have said or do and she still refused to accept it. We live paycheck to paycheck we don't have extra money to get a lawyer and go to court and try and fight to get visitation to let my see my grandbabies I don't want custody of her babies somehow that got in her head that never crossed my mind. All i want is to see my grandchildren from time to time but she still refuses so what do you do you do?"

And then, a REVIEW on that lawyer's page (that she's never used lol).

"Why should a grandparent have to fight their children to be able to see their grandchildren? It should be common knowledge and of good faith of good people and good parenting. With this being said, from what I have been seeing grandparents are being denied the right to visitation with their grandchildren more often that most people know. I think the State need to adopt a New Law for Grandparents Rights. Along with the Law giving grandparents the right to visitation even if for an 8hr day, it should NOT have any lawyers nor court cost come out of the grandparents pockets to enforce these rights. All cost should come out of the parents pockets that are not obiden by the laws set forth to protect Grandparents Rights. This is a serious issue that needs addressed. I am a good person and had a great relationship with my children. My daughter had her 1st daughter 2014 and I was very close to her for 2 years. After that my daughter found out she was pregnant again and refused to let me be part of my 1st granddaughters life and i have never been near the "now 2 other grandchildren." the 3rd just born about 3 weeks ago. Its a boy and i do not know his name. I have never been in trouble with the law. I don't do drugs, smoke nor drink. I keep fairly clean house, it's lives in. But it's not like the house the kids live in and their hoarder grandfather that lives next door to them that you can't get to his front door and the aunt next to him that i don't think the house has been dusted in 30 yrs. I'm just asking for State to give US grandparents rights and at the cost of the parents that don't feel like there are obligated to abide by the rules".

So, to summarize, Susan wants rights to my children and I should have no say, and I should also PAY HER to get rights to these children. Cool story, Susan.

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