Sunday, November 10, 2019

Advice from Susan on All Walks of Life

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence. We've been denied an RO multiple times and was told no grounds for harassment charges.


I started to write a long post, but... I got about halfway through and had to stop. Rereading and rehashing conversations (I have well over 4k pages of screenshots and such in a folder) and seeing the rewriting of history, the control tactics, the gaslighting, even some i'd missed before, was just too much for me tonight.


So for tonight, I'm gonna write about Susan-isms, or advice Susan gave out throughout my childhood/early parenthood.


“You can’t get in the tanning bed; you’re too young and it’ll keep your eggs from developing”



“You’re 13 now so you can use my tanning beds so your skin will even out. Just put a washcloth over your monkey (vagina. This is what she made us call vaginas. I didn’t know the proper name till I was 11, though she’d given me VERY graphic sex talks from 5+) so it doesn’t cook your eggs”



“You should wash your hair every day, because if not it’s oily and you look like a (racial slur). If you’d wash your hair everyday it’d be so much healthier!” (During the infamous sleepovers she'd come in my room screaming and make me stop hanging out with my friends to go wash my hair.)



“You have morning sickness? Why are you sick right now, it’s not morning!”



“What? (When I told her I had been diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidorum) I’ve never heard of that. You’re 4 months along, you should be over your sickness. I think you just don’t want this baby so you’re making it up. I’m gonna mention it to your doctor at your next appt.”



“If you teach DD to say those words (ahem, penis and vagina) you’re setting her up to be molested!”



To my Obgyn who recommended a csection, “I don’t think she needs a csection. I never got to experience labor; I want her to feel what it feels like to be in labor and hurt for your child.



“You don’t need anymore than 5 pairs of panties and 2 bras. If you’d wash more often you’d have more than enough: don’t buy anymore underwear!”



“Baths don’t get you clean.”


"If you raise your arms over your head while pregnant it'll wrap the cord around the baby's neck."


"If you'd just get out of the bathroom and started cleaning or cooking supper you wouldn't even know you were sick to your stomach!"


"I don't think you need a zofran pump. I think you need to go to a psychiatrist because it's all in your head."


"You need to stop being such a picky eater and just get over it. That's why you've gotten so big. That doctor was a quack, you do not have an eating disorder"


"There is no such thing as anxiety. It's all in your head so you can be fucked up and not have to deal with reality. Don't become a pill head like (her sister, my two cousins)."


"It's not fair that (my aunt on my dad's side) gets to see and keep DD everyday and I don't. Why can't you just not let her see her but once a week like she does me?"

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