Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan Reports Me Missing Quite Often

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence. I have been denied a restraining order multiple times. I have a lawyer. This is just therapeutic at this point in time.


I decided to write about this because it came up last night (I will elaborate). I believe I've touched on it before, but, details!!

So, one of Susan's favorite control tactics is to report me missing. She's been doing this for a while and seems to enjoy the frenzy it brings. She started out sort of small (multiple book of faces pages on local buy, sell, or trade groups) and has gotten more brazen, like contacting law enforcement.

The first time was absolutely devastating for some reason. It was a normal Saturday, we'd been at a flea market and had just finished our grocery shopping. My phone all of a sudden went nuts. I was getting book of face messages, texts, posts and tags... The usual "are you okay", and "where are you? What happened" and my husband even got "praying for you!" posts/messages.

Susan had posted in no less than THIRTY local BST groups. She'd put a photo of her and my child, who was about 1 at the time of the photo, which made absolutely no sense why she'd put a photo of herself and my child on such a post.



If any body knows my daughter (full name including maiden name that I fucking haven't used in years) please tell her HER MOTHER MISSES her very much. Anything I may have said was something that had already been said. But regardless the past is just that, I forgive her and ask for her to do the same. No matter what I love my daughter, I'm not perfect but we always had a great relationship and I miss that. So if you know OP please tell her let the past go and let her mom back in her life before it's to late. I'm trying so hard to let her know I love her."


People I didn't even know were blowing me up. People also lack the ability to read so some assumed I was actually missing, others thought I was a non custodial parent who'd taken my daughter since there was a baby in the picture, and the ones who did read were just like wtf...


I just pm'd admins and others and made a private (friends only) post on my own social media that my crazy mom was full of shit, but never acknowledged her. In the past three years, though, she's gotten more thorough on her bullshit. She's called welfare checks constantly with the sheriff's department when I still lived at home. One week I had FOUR. They'd knock on the door, ask me my name and tell me to "call my mother." um, no? They'd ask to see only DD1, to verify she was "still in the state" (again, what? My kid isn't subject to any decrees or rulings keeping her within those state lines).


There was even a week we'd gone to the beach 6 hours away for a week and when I came back got pulled over within 5 minutes of entering my county because I had been reported missing and hadn't responded to welfare checks. (again, grown woman here. On her second marriage. was 23/24 at the time of the FIRST report sooo).


About a year ago, we began traveling and moved 1900 miles from home. By that time my brother was NC too, so she'd send welfare checks after him, too. But the cops were reporting back to her "the house is grown up, the doors are locked and deadbolted, it doesn't look like anybody's been there in a while" because she'd write me long, drawn out letters that first i was 1) hiding in the house like a recluse, ashamed because my husband left me 2) had "run away" with my kids (can adults run away?) and 3) fled the state, and had I told the law enforcement agencies I'd left, and was I even allowed to leave the state? I was a felon after all. (I'm not really sure what she thinks felons are supposed to do. My charge is felonious bad check, from almost a decade ago, there's not exactly a registry for that.)


What triggered me to recall all of this was last night's email. Of course, I won't be contacting her, but my PTSD is acting up. I despise when people knock on my door because of past experiences with her crap and have been diagnosed with mild PTSD from it. But, at least I know to expect it. I suppose this is all more of a vent than anything, thanks for sticking with me.




I've tried several times to reach out to you and have gotton no response from you. I've come to your house, but the gate is locked and there is new construction so you cannt go around the gate any further. I've tried to call but your number is not in service. This is the 4th email I have sent to no response in the past 2 weeks. If I do not here from you by November 4 2019 I will be contacting the appripriate channels within Current State 800 miles from home and Home State and reporting you missing. It is not like my daughter to go without social media and her phone so something is wrong and I hope you haven't gone off the deep end and hurt my babies.


I really wish that whatever it is you think I've done could be forgiven. I've apologized for anything and everything and its been 4 years. You was always my pretty girl and all i ever wanted for you was to be everuthing I knew you could be. Why do you think we had the sleepvers, the fun times, the rolling? And your throwing our relationship away over something that I don't understand. We was best friends, OP!


You have until the 4th to contact me to let me know you're okay or I will be contacting law enforcement in New State and Old State. And the news. It's time you let by gones be by gones.


I lvoe you.



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