Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan Found a Blog of Mine and was NOT happy.

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.

I've touched on this briefly before, but will elaborate more here.

Susan is my narcissistic mother. She is the best mother in the entire universe, and since my "opinion" of my childhood varies greatly from her memories, I'm a giant ball of lies who needs to be mentally committed. Susan's signature whine is "Why won't you let me PARENT YOU?" (i'm 28).

So, Susan is the best mother ever and best mothers ever must know everything their offspring are doing on the internet, because it's a big, scary place. She spent a good part of my teenage years and such mocking for things she found on Xanga (wowwww) and when I was 18 stalked me hard enough to find a blog about my first years of college. (to which she threw a fit and screamed at me in my dorm's lounge that how DARE I put my then boyfriend's last name as mine-as silly teenagers do-and said I either needed to produce a marriage certificate or remove it, immediately. (Again, 18!).

Turns out, Susan is still vigilant about "internet safety" and has found everything I've written, including Reddit and other forums. But that's okay. She also found an anonymous blog (not this one!) , where I talked about parenting, wrote funnies about my three tiny people and even about when the stomach virus plagued our entire house.
NEVER mentioned her, never brought her up, never reached out. She's not seen my oldest since she was 1. And has never met #2 or #3.

In case you're wondering, I have PCOS and endo, so if I'm writing about cysts on my ovaries, yeahhh, it happened.

English is my mother's ONLY language, ever.

Apparently, Susan could not bare to see me lie so blatantly (in her eyes) so she left me the following comments on various entries. All spelling is hers. All grammar is hers.

1) "First of all crackers do not go in with cleaning supplies. Second of all do you even open any of your cleaning supplies? because I don't remember you ever cleaning anything. Third of all please stop calling me out of my name unless you want my attention for something leave me out of your comments I've been leaving you alone all this time because it's what you wanted now leave me alone."

2) Oh i see you finally have someone commenting yay. Good OP this is your mother guess what yes i see everything I post I have been trying to keep my mouth shut leave me alone unless you want me for something other than bad mouthing me everything you have said has been lies lies just stopbaby. Mat me alone you said you were more than the age of 3 with guess what you have a daughter that's older than that she needs to start making memories with you so forget about me move on start making memories with your own babies. Unless you want a life with your own mama stop bad mouthing her and make memories with your children and leave me alone I have done none of that stuff about none of it stop with the lies OP just stop.

3) Lookie here finally she said something that has the truth in it. She just wants to ER for a while I was real proud of her yay she tells the turth for once. Everybody that might be seeing this OP knows how to tell teh truth she just needs to learn to start doing it more often. Stop telling the lies OP you know good and well I have never ever mistreated you or your brother never. I would have never mistreated my grandchildren either and what you're doing to me is dead wrong shame on you for doing this you don't want no part of me that's fine just leave me the hell alone unless you're wanting my attention for something good then just stopped i'm sick of it just let me alone OP.

4) Oh I just saw a fail you said you cooked you don't cook where'd that come from I'm sorry I just noticed that no people she does not cook no that's another lie. She likes her husband to come home so he cooks unless her aunt cooks for her are they go out and eat but she don't cook no she don't clean either no they don't have them she don't do clothes laundry Uno she rather have her aunt the fire something she don't wash clothes. So just tile up they step over stuff don't get washed so you will know the turth about something ask me I tell the truth. See OP this is how you tell the truth see I'm not lying about nothing I've got nothing to hide I'm telling the truth now you start telling the truth my Mama was a good Mama she always did good things for me she took me to dance she took me to gymnastics she took me to party she took my friends or where I went she always cooked and cleaned and made it my bed for me because I was too lazy to do it. That's how you tell the turth remember that so you can teach your children how to tell the truth. I love you my darling daughter.

5) Who's going to be there for you and your aunt is not there for you anymore sister? you don't have friends anymore you really don't nobody likes you anymore because you lie so much I hate doing this on here but you won't answer me anymore text message emails facebook letters in the mail tried to call you you won't come to the door out the trailer guess you're not there anymore because the grass has not been cut and looks like a year. I've tried everything I can to get your attention and try to understand where did I go wrong what did i do i don't understand was there everytime you need me I come out clean your filthy nasty ass house only the turnaround the next day and it was worse than it was today before. Maybe one of these days your mama but it might be too late I don't know. I guess that's what Mamas are for to get some phone like a cockroach and then turn around baby that's okay I forgive you but I can only be so don't stone and treated like an old cockroach so many times until I turn cold and I'm pretty much there Baby. Stop dwelling on me grow up sweetie start living on your own kids make memories with them you don't want me in it that's fine but they're still there they need their mama stop telling lies make some lives happy ones with your children before it's too late. I've never stop loving you.

6) If u had a fever I always took u & (brother) to the doctor. as for the comments on having ur dad take u to the er, u had 2 cysts on ur ovaries, not true. I took you to the OBGYN for the pains u had and since u want to embarras me it was always because u had the worst order down there of anyone I have ever known. Between your active sex life at 13 and sitting in a very hot bath tubes of water all the time that's why u had that issues. The remembering at the age of 3 and vomitting in bed "i, of course, got up and went tour living room to find my mother, who was talking with our 17 year old babysitter at the time. I remember the way she raged. Never happened, but when you u was 4 u was having a problem urinating a lot & it was only little dribbles. I took you to the doctors around town didn't get help. I had a potty chair in the van you had to go so much. SO Doc got us in *hospital*

That's where they did test & found you had some cysts around ur bladder wallas and some infections in your kidneys that was the worst most awful test ever i thought i would have to put u through I cried the whole time u was going through it i hated it. Iw anted them to stop orput u to sleepto do it but they couldn't but they solve the problem and in days time they diagnosed you put u on medicine took some cysts out and u started doing fine. As for a babysitter, I never had a babysitter for u & brother. *babysitter name* came over to play with yall just for fun but any baby sitting was done by ur aunt & nana. Now U have stated in a number of things the baby projectile vomits.That's nothing I never sit & waited around like one doctor said to do with u to grow out of. Projectile vomiting means he is sick or he can't take the milk u are giving him. You do not have to take my word for it but I would change his formula because it's not agreeing with him.

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