Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Straw That Broke Susan's Back

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. Susan is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.

(And yes, I know this one is no where near as juicy as the others. I'd simply had enough).

Susan had started to fall out of my graces. I'd been treading water carefully around her. She'd started the year before at Christmas, when I was pregnant. She'd posted saying they'd decided to only get presents for the kids of theirs (there are 7 of us combined) that have kids or are in school. Out of 7, guess who was the only one who didn't have kids yet and wasn't in school?

Lots of boundary stomping and fits at the birth.

Speeding along to October, her sister died. She spent most of her time "good riddance-ing" and even threw up a facebook post that *Aunt* had gotten what she wanted, like always, and all the attention was on her. But at the funeral... When Susan realized everybody could see her, she threw herself on me and started wailing that "her only sister was GONEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" complete with a fake faint. No thanks.

(sorry i know this a long lead up)

Fast forward two weeks. It was Halloween. Susan had messaged me asking what time I'd be over. I told her sometime during Halloween hours, between 5-9. I had stuff to do (we were buying a new furniture piece, but i didn't tell her that because she hates when I buy things).

At exactly 5:30 she threw up a passive aggressive status about how she wanted the grandkids to come by before they got "nasty" and so therefore she wasn't letting her grandkids have trick or treating next year (And tried to tell us that we couldn't take them the next year.)....

We made it by there around 7, BTW.

I avoided her like the plague for the entire month of Nov. She whined about it every chance she could find. She threw a fit on a status about my new entertainment center that I should have went to goodwill, because money... She and my grandmother threw a fit on a status I'd posted saying me and mine would not be attending any family get togethers or reunions that year, because we wanted holidays for our nuclear family to make memories (lots of 'well what about us?' and 'what about those that DESERVE to make memories? you never know when it'll be too late')...

Then came D*DAY as my husband so affectionately calls it. The Day I'd finally had enough of her bullshit.

I'd recently found out after a year of trying that I was pregnant with baby #2, but hadn't told anyone. A local news girl was suffering from a miscarriage and had posted a long read on the book of faces about how she wished people would THINK before they ask when people are going to have babies, or have another one, and I reposted, and agreed. It was a point of contention because EVERY time I was at my grandmother's someone would say "Ya'll better get to working on #2".

I had a LOT of fellow fertility moms chime in. And then came Susan.... "family has RIGHTS to ask you these things! they're family! it's their baby too"

After getting pulverized in the comments (not by me) she promptly deleted me.

And sent me this text.

Which, was, in fact, the straw that broke Susan's back.

Enjoy (will enclose a few eye candies in the pictures, so show just how CRAZY Susan is)

I love you OP. I wish you wasn't so hard on Facebook about family. Everyone makes mistakes, say things they shouldn't but putting down on us it's like we are not good enough to spend time with. None of us are perfect, especially me and that includes you. The past mistakes speak for themselves on things we both have done. You already made it clear you didn't want to spend time with family any more so why are you on fb still coming up with reasons you don't want to spend time with is? You claimed at 1st it was about Dead Aunt not apologizing for what she said on Facebook. Dead aunt is no longer with us. You never told my mom you were sorry for not giving her all that money back. She has never brought that money up. Its time for you to grow up. Stop acting like you are better than the rest of us. You are not. Yes you get what you want but that don't make you a better person than me, maw maw or others. We have kept our mouths shut about your being a smart ass because we love you so give that some consideration. Like you said, think be4 speaking. You are hurting your family's dealings saying those things on fb. What have I done to you to keep you from coming to see me and bringing DD to see me? You shop or you are in town everyday so why couldn't you bring her and let me watch her while your shopping? I would come see y'all but your never home and you never act like you want me there. Grandmother wants to see y'all but you are to busy finding some fault in her or other family members to see even tho we can't spend money we don't have on you that we love you regardless of your many faults. Try over looking things, I do it everyday. Try forgiving and forgetting, the rest of us have you. I love you I miss you. I love DD and miss her, I wish you could see just how many times you have hurt me and start looking past acting like a spoiled rich kid and act like a loving daughter. I am not perfect, I never said I was. I need you and DD on my life. If I died tonight in my sleep now would you feel? Don't keep treating your mom and other family like we don't have feelings. I have looked past my feelings of how you treat me for years because I love you and want you in my life. I wouldn't be a good mom if I didn't say something to you about how your acting. I think I am a great mom, just like you think you are. Start fresh and let's move past all these hard feelings before it's to late. Have a great thanksgiving, I'll be here by myself while you have "your family out there starting your own tradition". Just like I have the past how many years because I didn't want to get in your way of your family gatherings there. I love you.

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