Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan Thinks I Purposely Make Her Look Foolish

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence. We have been unsuccessful in receiving a restraining order.

Susan has her moments. She swears up and down she doesn't drink, or take pills, or do drugs, but in the past she's been a big fan of Xanax and Ambien chased by some wine coolers, so that's neither here nor there. I have some deep posts to make in the upcoming days (and thank you for those that stick with me) but for tonight, decided to make a light hearted post of the things Susan has said (or posted) concerning me or my kids that makes zero or very little sense to normal humans. When we talked and I'd ask her WHAT? or say it made no sense, she'd tell me I was just trying to make her look foolish, everyone else could understand.... Susan's only language is English, she's never spoke anything else, so no language barrier there. Feel free to translate, if you'd like.

Susan made a new profile on the book of faces, and shared my husband's profile picture, which was of me, my two girls, and my husband, in a woody park, 3 hours from the closest aquarium? (and a solid 2 years since she'd been involved in anything concerning me or my children). "My daughter is looking very excited. I with I had an Trinity mm Aquarium with my grandchildren one of these days but for some reason I've never been invited I would love to go and see all those sweet to the smiley faces you make it down and wanting to be just like. Then there are I'm just not sad two kids I don't ever see or talk to listen to constantly be talking to their father and there's (stepdad's name?) with" (yes, it stopped there with no ending or punctuation soooo.)

On a post I made RIGHT before I cut her off for good, about mattress shopping (literally, husband and I looked at mattresses and would be going to a bigger store the next day.) "Now Who in this great world of technology what will such a thing." and "Forgive my statement not meant to make a foolish area in my words". Then I messaged her saying they didn't make sense, and I got "I did and make mistakes. Just trying to make a statement, not and argument. Technology goes a long way so with that said there should not have been such a mistake on her issues like her nose, whomever it might me. forget it. I delete it. Don't won't you making me feel foolish. I won't response again."

Random FB comment under a photo of what I'd cooked for supper (yes, I'm THAT person lol). "Do you ever have foots you don't us 9we are sucked dry on money.. no.. money... to by anything other doctor billds and insruances killing. Thansk 2 we are broke. 300 in bank and no food n cab inetted. maybe an over sdart. But we'll figure figure something out. No. Monry in bank bit well2 figut somehyning out."

Under a photo of my kid on a swing, "Op, I cute. At doc! Left Brother saluting opinions. For hamburgers." (For some reason this makes me cry with laughter. Really. All I could imagine is my brother, saluting random opinions on hamburger joints and I could. not. stop. laughing.)

Random email, after the cut off... "I know fun watching us with them than watching you try come petie with the upper clato the side pissies me owhole timeff the ss that kept you, love mom."

Another random email, after the cut off, "I'm not fusing rado catles. I think i'm gonna love it at grandma the androide here by the male and i think i gonna love it. I'll maje sure he there. (Dh's name) hats visits go outside my baby fujdge him."

A comment on my blog, 3+ years after cut off and 3+ years since I'd so much as said boo to the woman, "LEAVE MEALONE! STOP MAKING MELOOK FOR YOU! (Well, there's some English). I HUNGARY, (I wish you were, but you probably are not aware that's a country) I TRIED, I SICK AND TRIED OF YOUR BULLSHITE! LOSE THE WAIT! CALL YOU!"

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