Sunday, November 10, 2019

Susan and How My Mean Ole Friends Won't Hand Over My Phone Number.

*Disclaimer- Susan has been cut off for almost 4 years now. 1000% no contact. She is still actively stalking and harassing, but she is greeted with silence.

Every now and again, Susan tries to recruit flying monkeys to get info on me. Sometimes she reports me missing in Local BST pages on the book of faces, sometimes she asks her law enforcement buddies to "run me", and sometimes she gets desperate enough to publicly post things like this. She put my full name, including a maiden name, I haven't used in 10 years, asking if "anyone had *******'s phone number. You can inbox it to me, no one will know where i came from."

All mistakes are HERS. Keep in mind my parents divorced when I was 9. She immediately met her now husband, before they were even divorced. My dad paid $$$$ child support, her car note, our school tuition, bought all clothes, paid for lunch and snack money, all extra circulars, and if we said we wanted something, we were sent to him, because the child support was HERS. What'd she do with it? She paid her new husband's child support for his kids, because keeping his LEO self of jail was important for her image. She also denies now that she kept my brother and I on the Atkins diet constantly in our preteen years. Enjoy the subtle digs, I know I did.

A dear childhood friend who hates Susan commented immediately. "If you don't have your own daughter's telephone number, there's a reason. Why would anyone else give it to you?

Susan- "Friend, I haven't talked to my daughter in almost years. I have not been allowed to see my 1st granddaughter since she was 1 1/2 and have never seen my 2nd granddaughter. I do not no why. We have always had little arguments but most the time we was like Best Friends. I love my daughter no matter what. Didn't YOU have a good time at our house when she had you girls over? I had a blast watching ya'll.

Susan (Again, because she didn't get a response quickly enough)- "Who gets mad enough at their mother for God only knows what and even though I've apologize a dozen times for anything and everything and don't know what for. Who just stops talking to their mom and keeps the grandbabies away? Both my kids was spoiled. They never went without anything. I had to work extra hours now and then and if one of them had something coming up and wanted something so bad I could see it was breaking their hearts. I'm not saying I was the perfect mom but I can say I tried my best as a single mom most of their younger years to show them how a hard working mom of two could love them unconditionally, make them feel safe if being picked on in school. Took them on a vacation by scrapping and digging because i didn't want them to go back to school and not have a story to to tell about their summer vacation. My kids are the reason I was breathing and kept going and sometimes put on a fake smile when I had a hard time buying groceries because one or both of them needed, just had to have what so and so and this one and that one had it. I'm still mom no matter how old they get and i should have rights to be a grandma. I have never hurt my kids, I have kept my kids fed very well (the proof is in the pudding). I never betlittled them (they might have me).

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